Andrew Fielding
One of the most impactful experiences of my collegiate education was LMU’s SEEDS interdisciplinary business accelerator. By joining the projects of others, I ultimately met my cofounder at Stabilify. While SEEDS isn’t necessarily about meeting cofounders, it is most definitely a place where students who want to be impactful can seize the opportunity to do so.

Jake (JT) Tannanbaum
LMU Seeds is without a doubt one of the most fun and beneficial programs on LMU's campus. The club's ability to bring both entrepreneurs and engineers into the same room creates an electric environment where students are actually able to collaborate and pursue their business ventures together. As a startup founder myself, I see the leaders of Seeds always offering valuable information during their workshops. The room becomes more of a think tank rather than a lecture, and everyones opinion is valuable. Whether it's bringing in a cool speaker, testing out some brand new technology, or taking trips together to cool places, Seeds always brings something both fun and educational to the table.
One of my favorite Seeds memories when we took a trip to San Francisco this past spring, and attended a the LAUNCH Startup Conference. Between learning and seeing so much at the conference, and all hanging out and going out together, the students on the trip really acted as a family, and had a really amazing trip. I would highly urge anyone who's interested in business, entrepreneurship, engineering, or just meeting cool people to check out LMU Seeds.

Chris Avolio
Huldit, Founder
Seeds was able to teach me essential business lessons that just could not have been learned in the typical classroom. Seeds also made it possible to meet like minded individuals at one of the largest start up conventions in the US. Every member of Seeds was extremely friendly and supportive. I have walked away with new friends and the know how to better my start up.
Seeds is a way to meet like minded individuals, learn essential business lessons and meet friends you will have for life.